

Our goal is to connect job seekers to great jobs to support their families.  We do this by helping job seekers, employers, and coaches discover the talents God has gifted to them and leading them to experience flourishing in all areas of their life.

We believe all people are made in God's image, that He uniquely gifts each person, and that people are called to use their gifts to their fullest potential. This is displayed in our foundational passage of scripture, the Parable of the Talents.


Need a job, better job, or career?

Walk In

Tuesdays // SERVE 6.8 between 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Take the Next Step

Be connected with a Coach who will work with you on job preparation, help you apply for jobs, be a liaison to our business partners, and work with you even after being hired!

Take the Next Step

Coaching FAQ