Leader Resources
Use this document after every team to ensure you have enough product on site for teams over the next week.
Use this document to confirm you have everything prepped for your volunteer team!
Check here for the delivery schedule for sandbags and other mitigation materials.
Please track all hours for volunteers with phone numbers and emails. Please make sure you enter emails correctly.
Use this form to track volunteers who already have an email in the system (leaders) and anyone who has no email/illegible email.
Please have each volunteer sign in. Once they sign in, you will use this document to enter their information.
Each volunteer serving on the team must sign a volunteer liability waiver.
If you have a volunteer interested in getting a group involved, share this link with them to fill out and someone will be in touch soon.
If you have a volunteer interested in getting another volunteer involved, they can share this form with them to fill out.
If leaders need access to the sign up document, share this with them. Please do not share this with anyone except the leaders.
Reimbursement Process
If someone has to purchase something on our behalf, please have them follow this process.
If any item needs to be purchased, please send them with the tax-exempt docs.
Here are the stretches to lead volunteer groups through before beginning a sandbagging shift.
Here is all of the information to share during the safety briefing.
Please have this document avialable for people when they sign in.